Our strategies

Save the future; save our world!

Advocacy and Policy influencing

The organization continues to advocate and support policies that influences on the life’s of young people.

Capacity Development

Capacity development has been a major strategy of operation which involves Training and Mentoring.

Social Mobilization

We have continued to mobilize communities to take action using Advocacies, community sensitization, Interpersonal communication, Rallies and trainings on all our core area of interventions.

Operation Research

As an organisation we take time to do findings on our area of focus which help makes improved and informed decision about what we do. We do this either qualitatively or quantitatively using appropriate tool.

Field of Intervention


Vulnerable Children Programming

Orphans and vulnerable children are children without either or both parents and or those with parents but are in dear need of one thing or the other. These children are faced with one or more challenges and as the name implies they are vulnerable to sickness, some are homeless, denied of some basic amenities, some are drop-out from school, malnourished, exposed to sexual abuse, lack of medical attention, etc. Hence, these children become underdeveloped thereby exposing them to begging, street hawking, prostitution and above all fall victim of child trafficking.

It is against these backdrop the organization continues to advocate to help these children through; Provision of nutritional supports, Provision of educational support, Shelter and rehabilitation, Enrollment in a vocational school and acquisition of vocational materials, Provision of health and medical support, Psycho-social support etc. In addition, Provision of Support for their caregivers through Capacity building, Direct business support or linkage as available or deemed required.



Improvement in the performance of the agriculture sectors is not only required from a poverty perspective but also to ensure national food security and provision of numerous opportunities for young people in wealth creation and employment generation considering learning from previous agricultural empowerment programs and its short comings. The organization is contributing to the realization of a secured future in agricultural sector of our economy.

In addition, Unemployment and underemployment continues to increase day by day without any alternative for survival, hence making Young people continuously vulnerable and its against the above that the organization develops program to support entrepreneurship as its affect Young people.


Health (SRH, AIDS, TB, Malaria and Other Related Public health diseases)

In the pursuit of safe health practices for young people in Nigeria, education of young people through sensitization on safe health practices, thereby promoting positive behavioral change and also ensuring availability of information and educational materials to young people in order to empower them and create enabling environment for youths participation in government policies that help to improve their quality of life.



One of greatest gift of nature is the environment given to us to tender but in our quest for industrialization and globalization, environmental degradation and ozone layer depletion are the aftermath effects suffered in trying to meet all these demands. Preservation of the environment for the future generation is a compulsory task for everybody. This is what we have chosen as a mandate to secure the future for those coming after us.



We understand the abnormalities that have plagued the governance structure of a country like Nigeria where electorate are put in the dark after the elected assume power. Its high time Nigerians became proactive in making their leaders accountable even while in service in order to ensure sustainable development of all sectors of the economy. This is a wake-up call to us an organization to influence and make government implement youth development policies/programs to help salvage the lives of young people from the grave dangers that result from negligence on the part of the government.